carbon capture, hydrogen hubs, and pore space

What Is Pore Space? Explainer Series

What does carbon capture, pore space, and storage space mean, and what does it mean for Ohio River Valley landowners? Watch this brief explainer to learn more about this process, and how it could impact pore space leases in our region.


Who Owns Pore Space? Explainer Series

Who owns the space under our feet - the landowner or the Company who had previously extracted material out of that ground? And why does it matter for pore space leasing? Watch this quick explainer to understand who owns pore space, and how that impacts landowners in the Ohio River Valley.


What Should I Know Before Signing a Pore Space Lease or Contract? Explainer Series

Before signing a lease or contract for your pore or storage space, watch this quick explainer video to understand what to look for in a lease, red flags to be on the lookout for, and how to negotiate for what is best for your family. Reach out to Fair Shake for more details and legal support.


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