community benefits


Community benefits include a range of legal agreements between a community coalition and a Company that outlines how a development or business will benefit and protect the community in concrete and tangible ways, and can foster accountability and transparency.

Community benefits include:

  • Community Benefit Agreements

  • Community Benefit Ordinances

  • Community Benefit Plans

Community Benefits 101 Webinar

Infographic describing benefits and protections that can be included in community benefits.


Community Benefits Resources

We support community coalitions to create, negotiate, and advocate for strong community benefits and protections. Reach out or check out our resources below.

Community Benefits Playbook: Coming Soon!


  • Community Benefits 101

  • Community Benefits Process

  • Community Benefits Menu + Menu Cards

  • S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. Strong Benefits Worksheet

  • Community Benefits Agreement Template

  • Community Benefits Ordinance Template

  • Agendas for Community Meetings, including:

    • Visioning Outreach

    • Visioning Workshop

    • Community Benefits 101 Happy Hour/Coffee Chat

    • Community Benefits Retreat

    • Community Benefits Ordinance Workshop

    • Community Benefits Outreach + Game

    • Coalition Contact List

    • Community Questions Before Joining an Advisory Board or Committee

General Information:

Legal Information


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