All Photos courtesy of Erica Dietz & Laura Welsh (

All Photos courtesy of Erica Dietz & Laura Welsh (

On January 14, 2020, the Butler County Court of Common Pleas granted a Motion for Intervention by our client, the Glade Run Lake Conservancy, in an important local land use appeal.


In 2018, developer Grey Hawk LP submitted an application to Middlesex Township Board of Supervisors to construct a 108 unit planned residential development upstream of Glade Run Lake. Our clients felt this development would put the lake, a place they love, in danger and jeopardize recent environmental improvements that they fought so hard for.

Glade Run Lake was originally established in 1954 but was drained in 2011 due to concerns regarding dam safety. It was only thanks to the efforts of the Glade Run Lake Conservancy, their supporters, and others that in 2017 the dam at Glade Run Lake was repaired. Today, the lake is once again an important destination in Butler County providing impressive public recreation opportunities and significantly important wildlife habitats.


Thanks to testimony of residents, including Conservancy members, who advocated in front of the Board of Supervisors for protection of Glade Run Lake as a key asset in the community the Supervisors denied Grey Hawk’s application. The Township concluded the proposed PRD would have a “detrimental effect on the public health, safety and welfare, and in particular, on Glade Run Lake, its wildlife, and its waters.”

Grey Hawk appealed this decision and subsequently, our client motioned to intervene in the matter.  The Conservancy’s status as an intervenor in the land use appeal now gives them an opportunity to help protect Glade Run Lake for future generations.

We are proud to represent these residents who ​are dedicated to defending Glade Run Lake, its feeder streams, wetlands and the surrounding lake property.