Becoming a Steward of your land: Why estate planning is important for all individuals.

When the topic of estate planning is brought up, many people tend to think of the traditional nuclear family, maybe a hefty amount of assets, and drafting a will or trust based on those variables. But given the opportunities that estate planning provides, we at Fair Shake ELS view this area of law as becoming a steward of the land— on smaller scale.  

Here’s why: When you strip the topic of its uncomfortable undertones, estate planning is essentially about taking control of your estate, however big or small, and ensuring it is cared for in the long run. Just as stewards of the land act to conserve limited resources, estate planning enables you to make the most of the resources that you have cultivated over your life and place them in the right hands for future generations.  

Additionally, creating an estate plan (or failing to do so) has significant consequences for future decision-making on your behalf. Supplemental documents like a power of attorney deal specifically with important decision-making in the event you cannot do it yourself. It is worth noting that Pennsylvania’s relevant statutes are centered around traditional notions of family and marriage, which makes anticipatory drafting particularly important for younger generations and individuals that have veered off the traditional path. By way of example, if you are one of the many individuals holding off on marriage or foregoing the formality entirely, you will likely need a Health Care Directive to ensure that your loved one or trusted friend can even be in the hospital room with you in an emergency. Without one, your parents, adult children or siblings will be making the important decisions related to your care. Estate planning can serve to reflect your individuality and personal preferences. 

While these decisions can be difficult to face, they ultimately offer you the opportunity to take control of end-of-life situations and give power to the people in your life that mean the most to you. Fair Shake ELS is pleased to offer estate planning services such as drafting your Last Will and Testament, creating a Trust, and helping you create a Power of Attorney and supplemental documents. We will work with you to make this uncomfortable process easier and help you become a steward of your own estate. Additionally, the proceeds of our estate planning services are used to help further our low-income environmental justice work. Please reach out to the Fair Shake Pittsburgh office for more information.